


2025年5月7日から国内線搭乗にはREAL IDが必要になります。









  • Announcement

Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary

最終更新日 : 02/14/2024

CEO's Message

Today is a very special day at Kintetsu International Express (U.S.A.), Inc., as we celebrate our 50th anniversary!

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all our clients, employees and business partners who have collaborated with us to make the last 50 years a success. Since its establishment in 1974, KIE USA, Inc., a US subsidiary of KNT-CT Holdings Group., has grown as a full-service travel operation management company for travelers. With access to a worldwide network of affiliates, KIE USA now provides global travel management services for business travelers to and from all major U.S. markets.

Looking back at our history, we have always undertaken our business activities with one thing in mind: providing hospitality services that exceed the expectations of our customers and partners. Many things continue to evolve, in a post Covid-19 world, that has brought changes that we have never experienced before. The way we communicate, the way we work, and the way people move changed dramatically. However, no matter what world we find ourselves in or whatever the circumstances we face, our mission remains the same.

We will continue to focus our efforts on all aspects of our business, in particular the areas of meetings and groups. The M.I.C.E. industry plays a crucial role in the global economy, facilitating networking, knowledge exchange, and business collaborations, creating a platform for growth and development at KIE USA, Inc.

What has made us so successful over the past 50 years is the dedication shown by our valued clients, business partners and our wonderful employees. It is an honor to be able to provide our hospitality travel services to all of you.

Please be with us to move forward in our next 50 years!


Mariko ISHII

President and CEO

Kintetsu International Express (U.S.A.), Inc.


  • Announcement



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